Monday, August 26, 2019

Acharit KeReishit

On, in answer to the question "Is Palestine, still occupied by Isreal?", Michael Davison states the following:

. . . So the Arabs of Palestine have refused how many offers for a state of their own? 
1937 Peel Commission; 1939 Woodhead Commission (3 options, all rejected) 1945 Anglo-American Committee; 1947 UNGAR 181, 2000 Barak-Clinton proposal; 2001 Taba proposal; 2008 Olmert Jerusalem proposal. 
Total: NINE proposals for establishing a Palestinian state, rejected by the Palestinians. . .

I have always wondered whether  the arabs refusal of all peace offers corresponds with Paro's refusal to let Bnei Yisrael go.

So far - according to Michael Davison's count - we have 9. Does that mean that there will be one more (rejected) offer of land/"peace" to be immediately followed by Mashiach?

Does the pre-rejection of Trump's plan count as the tenth one?


  1. "Does the pre-rejection of Trump's plan count as the tenth one?"

    Be"H I hope it would be so, YY. At the very least, the rejection when announced should definitely count. I like your idea better, but it really depends on how much H' likes it, or another even better idea.

  2. I would imagine that the “prior to elections” Trump (partial release) plan might be the 10th. After which, we hope to see annexation to at least Area C, if not all of Yehuda and Shomron!

  3. Or does the creation of the kingdom of Transjordan count as one of them, and therefore we have already had all 10?
