Thursday, August 02, 2018


We, the undersigned Jewish bloggers, hereby protest – in the strongest terms possible – the parading and glorification of an “alternative lifestyle”, one that is classified in the Holy Torah as an abomination, especially through the streets of the holy city of Jerusalem.

The Torah demands that we live by a certain code of sexual morality, and as such, we are forbidden from certain relationships that a moral society cannot tolerate.  These include incest, adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality.  All these are considered grave sins in Judaism and incur the punishment of Karet, or excision from the Jewish people.  An act performed with witnesses during the time of the Sanhedrin would incur an even worse consequence – namely, capital punishment.

And this is only on an individual level.  When the sin is committed on a societal level, it is much worse.  The Torah and our sages record how these acts were catalysts for both the Great Flood during Noah’s lifetime and the destruction of the Five Cities of the Plain.

As such, we consider any attempt to glorify acts that the Torah vehemently forbids by parading any such lifestyle through the streets with horror and utter disdain.  Such parades in New York and San Francisco would be bad enough, but through the streets of the Holy Land of Israel is a thousand-fold worse.  The Torah specifically warns us not to act in sexually abominable ways lest we be vomited out of the land.  One can only imagine how it is viewed in Heaven when people brazenly display to G-d how abominable one can be.  And if the Land of Israel cannot tolerate such acts of utter gall, all the more so in the holy city of Jerusalem, a city that is overwhelmingly religious.

We in no way wish to minimize the struggles in temptation some may have in this area and view with positivity those who have such inclinations and bravely overcome them.  But those are not the people irreverently parading through the streets with rainbow flags, who show utter contempt for the Holy Torah and all we hold dear.

We therefore vehemently protest the “Pride” Parade in Jerusalem and everywhere else in the world where they may occur.  We hope and pray that those who take part in such parades do a complete Teshuva for their actions, and may we see a rebuilt Jerusalem, speedily in our days, Amen.

(in alphabetical order)

CDG from Hava HaAharona

Cosmic X from Cosmic X in Jerusalem

Dassie from Myrtle Rising

Devash from Tomer Devorah

Dov Bar Leib from End of Days

DS from Israel Truth Times

Goldie ZP from Geula613

Rabbi Lazer Brody from Lazer Beams

Yaak from Yeranen Yaakov

Yechezkel Hirshman from Achas L'Maala V'Sheva L'Matta

Yehudi Yerushalmi from Yehudi Yerushalmi

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

A Message from Eliyahu HaNavi to an IDF Soldier

Yeranen Yaakov has a link to an interesting story on

Here is a very quick translation:

We heard in a lecture on Chanukah 5778 by Rabbi Dov Kook of Tiberius, who said that by Purim the war of Gog and Magog will breakout and that this Purim 5778 will be the last Purim before the revelation of Mashiach.

A few days ago, after services, a young student approached his Rabbi in a certain village in Israel and asked if he could tell him about a frightening incident. A true story that happened to a young man a few days before that.

A young soldier got on a bus and sat at the back seat. An old man came to sit next to him. The old man, without knowing him started to speak to him and said: "You should know that the war of Gog and Magog will breakout in Shvat"

The shocked young man asked him "How do you know this", the old man said "It is hard to prove what I know, but in order for you to understand that it is true, you can ask me any question you have about any person you know and I will tell you everything about him".

The young man thought and said to himself I'll ask him about my cousin who is very sick and we'll see what he'll tell me. And he told the old man the name of his cousin.  The old man told him exactly about the difficult situation of his cousin, that she needs divine mercy and everything about her without knowing her.

The old man continued and said that you should know that Hashem hates licentiousness, and that what is going on in the army with male and female soldiers is no secret. That they are committing sins of sexual immorality, and that they are deliberately enlisting females into the army in order to cause the young men to sin and any jobs that female soldiers do in the army can be done by young men.

And also that it is no secret that one of the purposes of the army is to secularize young Israeli men. It will not continue, Hashem hates licentiousness.

He left the young man without another word and got off the bus. The curious young man, who wanted to know where the old man lived, got off the bus after him, and the old man disappeared. They say he merited a revelation of Eliyahu HaNavi of blessed memory.

It is brought in the book "Davar B'ito" (Everything in it's time) about the month of Shvat, that on the 15th of Shvat there will be a full lunar eclipse. It is written in the book "Yalkut Moshe" that a lunar eclipse in the month of Shvat [is a sign of] stringent judgment on most of the world, and that day will be very dark.

We have to wake up, Hashem is dealing with us with great kindness and is sending us faithful messengers that we may merit to wake up and prepare ourselves for the Geulah.

We have a few days left to examine ourselves and to quickly strengthen ourselves and to change our behavior. To swap our tight clothing for modest clothing, for longer and wider skirts, long sleeves, wider shirts that are not so tight.

Every married woman should cover her hair with a modest hair covering, not a foreign wig (foreign wig = foreign woman).

To get rid of our impure devices with forbidden images!!! And are also a Bitul Torah!!! They are unnecessary in a Jewish house .

To maintain our pure speech, to sit and learn Torah, to learn Halachot in order to be a Kosher person.

And to increase acts of kindness, and to judge everyone favorably. We must be Shomer Shabbat KeHilchatah.

May we all merit the revelation of Eliyahu HaNavi who comes to announce the arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu.
And may we all merit to be united and receive the Mashiach with great mercy and kindness.

When the Mashiach comes don't say we didn't know and don't say nobody told you. You have enough time to do Teshuvah before Yom Hadin HaNorah.